Installing CadQuery on Windows

Install Python

  • Make sure to set the path variable when installing on windows.
  • open a command line and run
python --version

Install virtualenvwrapper-win

pip install virtualenvwrapper-win

Create a Virtual Environment

  • From a command line run
mkvirtualenv cadquery

Important commands

  • mkvirualenv <name>
  • rmvirtualenv <name>
  • workon <name>

Install CadQuery

pip install cadquery==2.2.0b2

Create an Example script

import cadquery as cq
from cadquery import exporters

cylinder = cq.Workplane('XY').circle(1.5).extrude(3)

exporters.export(cylinder, './out/cylinder.stl')

Run your script

  • Open a command line
  • Run your script
python ./